Thursday, April 3, 2008

Justin cracks me up...

He is just so funny - in a completely innocent way. This morning at the bus stop - Daddy joined us (he's off today) and we were talking about how a girl at our bus stop's dad is a secret serviceman who works at the White House. So we start talking about the White House and Justin asks "Hey mom, is there a Red House?" LOL... we all sort of start giggling, but it's a good point. Why is the white house white? Also last night we dropped into GameStop to pick up a couple used games and they had signs everywhere advertising the new Aerosmith version of Guitar Hero that is expected to be released this summer and I have mentioned wanting it. So Justin promptly tells me "Well mom, I think you need to learn how to play Guitar Hero before you get that one..." - the kid has a good point. I am completely tech challenged when it comes to the game. My goal is to get decent at it so I can run out and get the Aerosmith version when it's released. Perhaps the kiddo can give me some pointers....

And I love this adorable pic of him and Charlotte - this was at the butterfly exhibit at the Natural History Museum in DC last month. They make a cute couple - but don't tell Brookie...

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